In Poker What Does Out Of Position Mean

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The following are courtesy of 'HoldingFolding'


Nov 09, 2008  The person that will act last after the flop is said to 'have position', so if you have to ask first, you are 'out of position'. You limp in, the button raises, when you are deciding whether or not to call the raise, you need to take into account that you'll be out of position.

What Does Out Of Position Mean In Poker

3-bet 3ba bet, a raise, and then another raise. The third action is a 3-bet
4bfour bet
7SFAPSeven Card Stud For Advanced Players
ACAtlantic City
AFAIKAs far As I know
AIall in
AIPFall-in pre flop
APAbsolute Poker
ATFAbout The Forums (2+2 Forum)
ATCany two cards
Axan Ace with any second card
B&MBricks & Mortar: playing at a poker club or casino as opposed to online
bbbig blind
BBBig Bet
BB/100Big Bets per 100 hands (standard measure of win rate)
BBLBe Back Later
BBVBrags, Beats & Variance (2+2 Forum)
BBV4LBrags, Beats & Variance For Life (2+2 Forum)
b/cbet and call a raise
b/fbet and fold to a raise
BIBring In
BRBank Roll
BRBBe Right Back
BTWBy The Way
BWDIKBut What Do I Know
c-betcontinuation bet
cccheck check
c/ccheck and call any bet
c/fcheck and fold to a raise
COCut Off position immediately to the right of the dealer
c/rcheck raise
CTHComputer & Technical Help (2+2 Forum)
DPDraw Poker
EOMEnd Of Message - often put at the end of the subject if a post has no content
EPEarly Position
EVExpected Value (+ or -)
-EVNegative Expected Value
+EVPositive Expected Value
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
FEFold Equity
FHFull House
FLFixed Limit
FPPFrequent Player Points
FPSFancy Play Syndrome
FTFinal Table
FTFull Table
FT(P)Full Tilt(Poker)
FWFoxwoods Casino
FWIWFor What It's Worth
FYIFor Your Information
FYPFixed Your Post
GGGood Game
GLGood Luck
GTDGuaranteed $1m GTD would be a tournament where prize money of over $1m was guaranteed
HEHold 'Em
HFAPHold'em For Advanced Players.
HHHand History
HJHiJack position
HLHigh Limit Games
HoHHarrington on Hold 'Em
HORSEA game that rotates through H - Holdem, O - Omaha hi/lo 8-or-better, R - Razz,
S - Stud (hi only), E - Eight-or-better Stud hi/lo (all limit)
HPHollywood Park
HSNLHigh Stakes No Limt (2+2 Forum)
HTHHead To Head
HUHeads Up
HUDHeads Up Display
ICMIndependent Chip Model
IFYWIf You Wish
IGHNI Go Home Now
IIRCIf I Remember Correctly
IMHOIn My Humble Opinion
IMOIn My Opinion
ISDInside Straight Draw
ITMIn The Money
IYAMIf You Ask Me
JATJust A Thought
KOTZKing Of Tthe Zoo - 2+2 tournament
LAGLoose aggressive (player)
LAPLoose passive (player)
LCLow Content
LDOLOL, Duh, Obviously or Like Duh, Obviously
LHELimit Hold 'Em
LLLower Limit games
LMAOLaugh My A** Off (available with numerous variations)
LO8Limit Omaha Hi-Lo
LOLLaughing Out Loud, Lots of Luck,etc
LPLate Position
MGRMonthly Gross Revenue
MHIGMy Hand Is Good
MHINGMy Hand Is No Good
MLMiddle Limit Games
MMMason Malmuth
MPMid Position
MSNLMid Stakes No Limit (2+2 Forum)
MTTMulti Table Tournament
NCNo Content
NHNice Hand
NLNo Limit
NTNo Text in post
NTNice Try
NSFWNot Safe For Work
NVGNews, Views & Gossip (2+2 Forum)
ooffsuited - K7o would be a King & 7 of different suits
O8Omaha Hi-Lo
OESDOpen Ended Straight Draw
OESFDOpen Ended Straight Flush Draw
OMGOh My God!
OOPOut of position
OOTOther Other Topics - 2+2 forum
OOTMOut Of The Money
OPOriginal Poster
OTOff Topic
OTOHOn The Other Hand
OWA'sOne Word Answers
PFPre Flop
PFRPre Flop Raiser
PLPot Limit
PLOPot Limit Omaha
PMPrivate Message
POPoker Ofiice
PLO8Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo
POTDPost of the Day
POTMPost of the Month
POTWPost of the Week
POTYPost of the Year
POVPoint of View
PPParty Poker
PPPocket Pair
PPMParty Poker Million tournament
PSPoker Stars
PSBPot Sized Bet
PSRPot Sized Raise
PTPoker Tracker
PTLPlayer To My Left
PTRPlayer To My Right
QFTQuoted For Truth
QOPTWQuestion Of Playing This Way
QOTPWQuestion Of This Player's Win
rrainbow flop
RRebuy $11+R would an $11 tournament with rebuys available
R+ARebuy & AddOns $11+R would an $11 tournament with rebuys & add ons available - a longrunning usenet, now available as a forum
ROFLRolling on the floor laughing with numerous variations
ROIreturn on investment
sSuited - K7s would be a King & 7 of the same suit
scsuited connector
SMZSklansky, Malmuth & Zee - 2+2 Publisher's/Authors
SBSmall Blind or Small Bet depending on how it is used in sentence.
SDStandard Deviation
SNGSit 'n' Go tournament
SNGPTSit-n-Go Power Tools
SSShort Stack
SSNLSmall Stakes No Limit (also 2+2 forum)
STFUShut The **** Up
STTSingle table tournament
STTF Single table tournament forum (2+2 Forum)
T$Tournament dollars, which can be used on a particular site to buy into tournaments
T&CTerms & Conditions
TAGTight aggressive player
TCTerms & Conditions
TL;DRToo long; didn't read
TOP/FTOFundamental Theorem Of Poker
TPBKTop Pair Best Kicker
TPGKTop Pair Good Kicker
TPNKTop Pair No Kicker
TPWKTop Pair Weak Kicker
TTHTurbo Texas HE
TTHRICThis Thread Has Run Its Course
TWIMCTo Whom It May Concern
TYThank You
UBUltimate Bet
UTGUnder The Gun.
UTGUnder the gun - first position, to the left of the big blind
UTG+1To the left of UTG
VBValue Bet
VNHVery Nice Hand
VPIP% Voluntarily Put(money) In Pot
W$Poker Stars Tournament dollars which can be used to buy into Poker Stars tournaments
WA/WBWay Ahead/Way Behind
WCOOPWorld Championship of Online Poker - series of high buy in tournaments held on Poker Stars
WGAFWho Gives A Flute
WGAFFWho Gives A Flying Fig
WPTWorld Poker Tour
WSOPWorld Series Of Poker
WSOPMEWorld Series Of Poker Main Event
WTFHuh?, What the ****

Position in poker refers to the order in which players are seated around the table and the related poker strategy implications. Players who act first are in 'early position'; players who act later are in 'late position'; players who act in between are in 'middle position'.[1] A player 'has position' on opponents acting before him and is 'out of position' to opponents acting after him.[2] Because players act in clockwise order, a player 'has position' on opponents seated to his right, except when the opponent has the button and certain cases in the first betting round of games with blinds.

Position in Texas hold 'em[edit]

A standard Texas hold 'em game with blinds

The primary advantage held by a player in late position is that he will have more information with which to make better decisions than players in early position, who will have to act first, without the benefit of this extra information. This advantage has led to many players in heads-up play raising on the button with an extremely wide range of hands because of this positional advantage.[3] Also, as earlier opponents fold, the probability of a hand being the best goes up as the number of opponents goes down.

What Does Playing Out Of Position Mean In Poker

The blinds are the least desirable position because a player is forced to contribute to the pot and they must act first on all betting rounds after the flop. Although the big blind has a big advantage on the first round of betting, it is on average the biggest money losing position.[citation needed]

Texas hold 'em example[edit]

There are 10 players playing $4/$8 fixed limit. Alice pays the $2 small blind. Bob pays the $4 big blind. Carol is under the gun (first to act). If Carol has a hand like K♥ J♠, she may choose to fold. With 9 opponents remaining to act, there is approximately a 40% chance that at least one of them will have a better hand than Carol's like A-A, K-K, Q-Q, J-J, A-K, A-Q, A-J or K-Q. And even if no one does, seven of them (all but the two players in the blind) will have position on Carol in the next three betting rounds.

Now instead, suppose David in the cut-off position (to the right of the button) has the same K♥ J♠ and all players fold to him. In this situation, there are only three opponents left to act, so the odds that one of them has a better hand are considerably less (only around 16%). Secondly, two of those three (Alice and Bob) will be out of position to David on later betting rounds. A common play would be for David to raise and hope that the button (the only player who has position on David) folds. David's raise might simply steal the blinds if they don't have playable hands, but if they do play, David will be in good shape to take advantage of his position in later betting rounds.

See also[edit]


In Poker What Does Position Mean

  1. ^'Poker Tables'. Carbon Poker. Retrieved 3 June 2014.
  2. ^'Poker Position'. CardsChat. Retrieved 3 June 2014.
  3. ^Badger, Steve. 'Changing Position in Poker'. Steve Badger Poker Strategy. Retrieved June 29, 2017.

External links[edit]

What Does Out Of Position Mean In Poker

Retrieved from ''

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