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Ten fun facts about Sierra Leone Fact 1 The country’s name has been derived from the words 'Serra Leao,' which in Portuguese mean- 'Lion Mountain Range'. Fact 2 Sierra Leone is one of the smallest republics in Africa and in terms of size it ranks as the 118th largest country in the world. Facts About the Culture, Geography, and History of Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is a West African nation that is bordered by Liberia to the southeast, Guinea to the northeast and Atlantic Ocean to the southwest. It is a melting pot of diverse cultures from across West Africa. From the following 12 interesting facts, you will be able to get a tip of what awaits you to explore in Sierra Leone. Aug 26, 2014 Fun Facts about Krio (Sierra Leonean Language).
'Freetown.'World Encyclopedia.. 19, 2020).
'Freetown.'World Encyclopedia.. RetrievedJanuary 19, 2020from
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Sierra Leone 12 Fun Facts
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About Sierra Leone
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